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My name is Lisa but most know me as Liezel127 or The Baltimore Paparazzi.  Since 2007 I have been going to local hip-hop venues within the city as well as in D.C., Virginia and New York.  I take pictures of the artists on stage doing what is their passion.  Through my pictures and sometimes even my words those who were unable to attend have been able to look at the pictures and read my re-caps and have a sense of what it was like at the show.


I have met and photographed many of Baltimore's local celebrities.  Some of those being Ogun, Comp, Huli Shallone, Skarr Akbar, Sonny Brown and Shaka Pitts-The Voice of Baltimore.  I have also photographed Chrisette Michelle and Beanie Sigel and met Nappy Roots, and Dres of Black Sheep.  


My whole purpose in attending these events is to make others aware of the talent we have within the city as well as the DMV area.  Although I know who B.O.M.B., Dubbs Lane, Hollywood, Freight Train Records, Clever 1, Bishop, and many, many others are, there are alot of people in the DMV area who have no clue that we have real talent right here!!  They are so busy listening to the local radio station and have lost their way of real music and real lyrics.  If I can make just one person a new fan, I have achieved something!


I hope as you go through my site you take your time to absorbed the intensity and passion that these artists put into their craft. 


Thank you!


Lisa aka Liezel127 aka The Baltimore Paparazzi



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